Case Study

Major Airport - South East Asia

This mega-project IESC team collaborates with eleven lenders and their clients to bring vast expertise in each IFC PS to give foresight in project programming and insight to mitigate forthcoming risks and issues through pragmatic and prioritised systems-based solutions, aiding compliance with IFC PSs by the airport developer. 

Long term support to a group of lenders working with the developer to ensure compliance with PS1, PS3 and PS6 including GHG Assessments, CCRA, critical habitat assessment including the development of large scale offset for a number of critical habitat bird species. One of the largest offsets undertaken within the region.

We also enlisted the support of a number of world leading consultants in the areas of ornithology, offset development, macroinvertebrates (shorebirds primary food source in the project area), and in sediment and coastal morphology. Key focus areas for the project included the wider environment, flood risk, developer capacity building as well as occupational health and safety. Further to this, a number of social issues were covered by Earth Active’s partner consultancy Monkey Forest Consulting.



GHG Assessments





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