Case Study

ESG Strategy for Mining Company – Europe

Earth Active has been working with a European mining company that has assets in Northern Europe and the Balkans. Our role is wide-ranging and encompasses governance support and the development of the company’s ESG strategy and policy as well as detailed technical advice in relation to the assets.

The mining sector has the potential to generate significant climate change, environmental and social impacts and benefits. The client’s ambition is to embrace and embed world class ESG practices across its operations to materially support the transition to a sustainable and zero carbon future. 

We have developed an ESG policy statement and series of principles that reflect these ambitions and set out the ESG management framework, which will govern the whole life cycle of mine development – from initial conceptual and feasibility studies, through operation, to progressive closure and restoration. We have also undertaken an SDG assessment to identify the goals and targets where the company can have a material impact.

We also undertook a strategic review and gap analysis of the existing ESIA for one of the proposed assets against the requirements of the IFC performance standards. As part of the permitting process, the ESIA will need to be updated to reflect current best practice. We identified a number of gaps in the assessment process as well as opportunities for improving the positive environmental and social outcomes.  

Please get in touch to find out more about this project or others in your sector.



Corporate Governance, Policy and Strategy

Sustainable Development Goals Assessment


Nature Strategy



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