An Environmental Social and Corporate Governance Consultant, specialising in governance and financial structuring, and the practical realities of ESG implementation.
Paul has three decade's international banking and investment experience from major commercial banks and the multilateral development bank the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) which closely ties ESG to all its projects. He has worked across the lenders and investors sphere, including private equity, across a broad range of industries. Working at CEO, CFO and senior Governmental and Ministerial level, he has led deal teams for origination and negotiation of projects tied to policy dialog, through combinations of equity, structured finance, commercial and official (grant) co-finance. Among Paul’s landmark projects was state sector enterprise reform negotiations with the Ukraine Government, tied to over half a billion dollars in EBRD loans for the State gas system in close cooperation with major international development institutions.
At Earth Active, Paul co-authored the Palestinian Corporate Governance Code for the IFC and the Palestinian Capital Markets Authority, the ESG Code for IFC and Egyptian FSA, and also worked on the Nepal ESG status evaluation.
Paul’s In-country project experience spreads across Eastern and Western Europe, the Former Soviet Union, North Africa and the US.