Saiga antelope on the increase

We are thrilled to learn that conservation efforts have led to the Saiga antelope recovering from 45,000 individuals in 2005 to over 1.9 million by latest counts. This means a declassification in the latest IUCN Red List from Critically Endangered to Near Threatened.

Alongside teams of Saiga experts, Earth Active have developed bespoke biodiversity action plans (BAP) specifically for the Saiga. We have worked in  #Uzbekistan and  #Kazakhstan to help mitigate the impacts of linear infrastructure and to ultimately achieve a net gain for these magnificently peculiar creatures, via a number of additional conservation actions delivered by local stakeholders.
Read more about Earth Active’s support of the 240km upgrade of the A380 road in Uzbekistan here 

We provide ESG advisory and solutions to support our clients and their investments around the world on some of the most complex and challenging development projects, with key biodiversity services including:

Biodiversity due diligence and advisory
Biodiversity impact assessments
Critical habitat assessments
Biodiversity action and management plans 
Biodiversity measurement and monitoring solutions
Biodiversity offset governance and design

Established in 1964, the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species. We would like to think that we have played a small part in this amazing increase in Saiga antelope.

24 January 2024
Catherine Barrett
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