Recommendations for Your Nature Strategy

Six recommendations
Despite some recent publicity of (plain wrong) decisions by you-know-who on whether biodiversity is material to businesses (of course it is), clients are approaching us asking what nature is exactly and what does a good strategy look like in order to incorporate it into decision-making. ​

Well, here are our six recommendations for consideration:​

1. Prepare for external reporting ​
2. Carefully consider external commitment ​
3. Identify and build local and industry partnerships ​
4. Increase organisational capacity
5. Build biodiversity into the design and installation phases of projects, products and services​
6. Develop a monitoring methodology ​

Of course, implementing all of these at once is a challenge (though sometimes we can dream). Come and speak to us about tailoring solutions to meet your needs and to identify where to start.​
6 June 2024
Earth Active
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