Travel Plans

We pride ourselves on our extensive and deep network of experienced consultants across the globe which has enabled us to continue with project work for clients throughout the pandemic.  However, we are really looking forward to having our consultants back out on site doing what they do best.

Over the last two years we have worked in 21 countries with 11 partner organisations. We actively seek out the interesting and challenging projects and where travel is safe, our consultants make a real effort to visit projects, to meet local communities and interested parties, and to really experience the local setting and its complexities. Site visits are key to the value we can provide and the quality of consultant’s work and help build capacity and expertise locally.

Working in partnership with our global network of Associates, our current and recent projects encompass Bosnia, Ethiopia, Herzegovina, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria as well as Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Zambia.  Partly this remote working change has been brought on due to Covid restrictions, but in view of climate change and the recent publication of the IPCC6 report it also works hand-in-hand with our ambitions to reduce our own emissions and make a positive impact.

Where will the next 6 months take us?

27 August 2021
Earth Active
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