Forests of Hope

At Earth Active we’ve been working hard to establish environmental and social safeguards for two rainforests, Hutan Harapan and the Leuser Ecosystem, both located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.  Effective governance of rainforests is complex and challenging, typically with a variety of competing interests vying for natural and human resources in areas that are hard to reach and tricky to monitor.

Rainforests are vital for the survival of life on Earth.  They absorb our carbon dioxide, stabilize climate patterns, and are home to half the world’s plant and animal species. Alongside our good friends at Monkey Forest Consulting we’ve been supporting KfW (German Development Bank) to ensure their financing of projects in those rainforests builds the capacity of local stakeholders, particularly those mandated with protecting the rainforests. We’ve been working hard to help strengthen local governance structures and systems to safeguard the rights and access of the forest-dwelling, and other local communities whilst also protecting the biodiversity and ecosystem services supported within them.  We are proud to be making a difference.

Find out more about Word Rainforest Day here

#biodiversity #conservation #frainforest #Harapan #Leuser #ecosystem #ESG #Governance

22 June 2021
Earth Active
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