Find out why Earth Active is passionate about Earth Week!

It’s Earth Week and today is Earth Day and this year’s theme is “Restore Our Earth”. Understanding that this is a global problem is key to starting to improve our environment. Over the last 6 months Earth Active has worked on projects in 16 different countries across the globe, spanning 4 continents.

One perfect project example, along the theme of restoring our planet is our work in Harapan. Located on the Island of Sumatra, Hutan Harapan (Forest of Hope) is one of the most biodiverse places on earth. Its tropical forest ecosystem supports over 2,000 species of animals and plants in total, including around 150 globally threatened species such as the Sumatran tiger, Sumatran elephant, and Helmeted hornbill. The forest is also a place of magnificent endemism with over 40 plants species unique to this area.

This wildlife haven is located in a part of Indonesia with a long history of extractive industry and was itself once a pulp and paper concession. In 2008, private company, PT REKI, governed by NGOs Burung Indonesia, RSPB, Birdlife International and NABU, was granted an Ecosystem Restoration Concession (ERC) – a special licence unique to Indonesia that includes the mandate of restoring and protecting the forests. Earth Active and partners, Monkey Forest were proud to work closely with PT REKI and their partners in developing a range of safeguards to help protect Hutan Harapan against key risks and threats such as encroachment, poaching and infrastructure developments.”

#bespokeesgadvisors #esg #Harapan #ecosystem

#restoration #rainforest #conservation

22 April 2021
Earth Active
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